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This is a list of books and links that I find educational and interesting enough to share. Enjoy browsing.


The Win Without Pitching Manifesto
- Blair Enns

In 12 chapters Enns explains clearly how a design agency can escape the culture of having to pitch projects. He explains the concept of clearly positioning yourself as an agency in a niche in order to make a name for yourself. The aim is to stand out from the competition as an industry expert.

The win without Pitching Manifesto-Blair

The Brand Gap
- Marty Neumeier

What is a Brand? What is branding? Neumeier answers these and other questions and points out the many facets of branding. The book provides an broad overview of the topic without going into too much detail.

Never Split The Difference

- Chris Voss

Understand the business partner correctly through empathy and active listening. Finding out the wishes and needs of the customer through open questions in order to give him the best possible advice. With the help of Do's & Don'ts, this book is a sparkling guide to successful negotiations. The theory sounds simple, but the implementation is hard to master.


The 1-Page Marketing Plan
- Allan Dib

Marketing planner and workbook for the small business. Compact and clearly designed, it shows the marketing process in three clear phases, as well as the associated steps and tools. It will help you to set up a concrete plan to put your efforts in the right communication channels. This book is no substitute for a seasoned marketer, but it will help you ask the important questions to avoid arbitrary marketing.

The Infinite Game
- Simon Sinek

Away from short-term competitive thinking and towards long-term strategy: seeing your own company as a constant process of improvement. The author points out the disadvantages that arise in the test of strength with competitors, how this measuring can damage your own company and how you can free yourself from this thought pattern.


This Is Marketin
- Seth Godin

Godin leads the reader on the journey of permission marketing. The goal should be to use honest marketing to reach the people and companies who can really benefit from the product or service offered. It's the way out of mass advertising and seeking the ideal customer.

Run Studio Run
- Eli Altman

This book is aimed at the entrepreneurs of small (3-20 people) creative agencies. Humorous and to the point, the author shows which approaches lead to a profitable and profitable company. Even if you do your work as a creative worker with passion, as a self-employed person you also have to do with all sorts of other corporate management issues.
Eli Altman brings this dry and often neglected side of business management closer to you in a refreshing way and helps you improve on it.



Pocket Full Of Thu
- Chris Do

In a compact format, the author shares his knowledge in the areas of sales, pricing, mindset, marketing and much more. Its aim is to promote creative professionals in their entrepreneurial activities and their know-how.


The CG Cinematography Book

- Christophe Brejon

In his online book, the author accumulated almost all of his knowledge in the field of coloring and the lighting of 3D scenes in the field of computer animation.

How relevant is the USP of a product really?

- Humberto Rapelli

Personally, I have never been fond of the term USP (unique selling point). It always bothered me that you have to list points in order to distinguish yourself from the others. How can a product that has no unique sales arguments still prove itself?

only in German

A selection of high quality, minimalist work from various design disciplines.

Sensual objects for the household. Made by traditional Japanese craftmenship.

This website enables photography books from Japan and Asia to reach the rest of the world. Which otherwise, due to their rarity or small publishers, could hardly achieve this on their own.




Working with modeling clay on the computer? This is known as "sculping". This web-based tool by Stephan Eginier allows you to try it out yourself.

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