Scene illustrations
Swisslex is a legal database that serves as an information platform for legal matters in Switzerland. It is an essential tool for legal questions and supports lawyers in their daily work. In parallel to the publication of the new database version 5.0, the revised website and the adapted corporate design were presented to the public. The creative and conceptual management was in the experienced hands of Sascha Völki.
In order to visually complement the corporate design, Swisslex and Sascha Völki rely on the use of key visuals. These should be visually appealing and also be able to visually underline messages and company values. In addition to the presentation on the website, the areas of application of the 3D illustrations are various digital and print media. Spacebar was asked to implement the 3D illustrations.
The following emerged as the basic concept: A ball that seeks its way and skilfully masters challenges.
In order to collect potential motifs and ideas for the paths and challenges of the sphere, all those involved in the project met in online workshops. The first ideas developed from inspirational images, keywords and company values as well as from physical and athletic challenges.
These ideas were then implemented in simple sketches in order to then compare them with one another and make an initial shortlist. After another round of sketching, we decided on a few favorites that were suitable for implementation in 3D.
The next step was to define the color world. After looking through a variety of color combinations, the decision was made to create a subtle environment and use the sphere as the focal point. The clear color contrast of a blue ball on a white background can attract attention.
In the end, a series of five key visuals was created. The following 3D illustrations are the final result of this project.
Client: Swisslex AG
Concept & corporate design: Sascha Völki
3D-Illustrations: Spacebar
Image rights: Swisslex AG, Spacebar
Year: 2020